Destination Dogstar

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Well Helloooooo

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The Elusive Elaine barely shows her face

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I'm tellin ya it WAS this size

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The road goes ever on

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One man and his dog

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Sprogs Sprogs everywhere

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Yvonne & Ann in ye olden days

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A hand in the head is worth two in the bush

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Monkey Gone but not forgotten miaow!!!!

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Paradise in Ballymore Eustace

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******Use the Force Luke******

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Princess Rachel and Co

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Gar & Jordan Cool dudes

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Remember bow wow wow Go wild in the Country!!

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Begorrah there ye are

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Swanee how I love ya

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Here's to the Rockies

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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Caitlin Tina's new daughter. Isn't she cute

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I love me mammy!!!!!!

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Friday, February 17, 2006

Welcome to the Sirius Zone

Love is the Law
Love under will